Celebration The Life of
Charles Kenneth Perry Jr.Sunrise: November 1976 Sunset: May 2023
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Life’s Journey
On November 10, 1976, Charles, Jr was welcomed into the world by his father Charles Kenneth Perry, Sr., mother Jean Preston Perry, and his sister Tharesa Z. Perry in Houston, Texas. This military family relocated to Kodiak Island Alaska, then transferred to Michigan in 1979. In January 1983, at the age of six (6) years old, Chuck & Zee together dedicated their life to the Lord at New Hope Baptist Church (Ann Arbor, Michigan) and were baptized by Rev. Dr. Albert J. Lightfoot. Chucko was a very active member of New Hope. He joined the children’s choirs, junior ushers, performing in plays and becoming a youth
deacon in the church. Chucko has always been an intelligent person and his education began at the University of Michigan- Day Care center and at a young age, his ability to comprehend and express himself was years above his peers. By the age of 6 he knew every muscle in our bodies and began to play instruments by ear. He later attend St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic school for Kindergarten, and grew up in the Ann Arbor Michigan Public Schools- Open School Program, leading to his graduation from Ann Arbor Huron High School (Class of 1994). After attending Oakland County Community College and Ross Technical Institute, he worked at the University of Michigan Medical Center as a Health Record Associate and as a Medical Assistant. In 1999, his career interest switched to independent sales and began with vacuum cleaners. That further led his interest to selling home gutters, electric and solar energy. Chucko was a salesman!
When Chuck wasn’t selling you something, he enjoyed Music, attending live concerts, family gatherings, cooking, good debatable & controversial conversations, bowling, swimming (Lifeguard- Michigan), reading and research, roller skating, acting, travel (driving), sports (Track & Field, track coach, field hockey, tennis & football) and most of all being a Dad!
Chucko never met a stranger he did not like or could not hold a conversation with. He was known by so many names! Depending on the name you called him, defined your relationship with him. From his mom calling him “Chuckamo” or “Chuckster”, his dad called him “Mean booger #99”, his sister Zee called him “Chuck” or “My brother Chucko”, Siblings called him “Chucko”, nephews & nieces called him “Uncle Chuck” and his Houston friends called him “CEO” pronounced “C-O”. He knew how to make his obstacles (alopecia) in life, his foot holes to lift him higher. He was a dreamer, not just for himself but for others as well. When Chucko entered a room, the vibe and energy changed! It’s like everyone knew he had arrived and his name would ring out- “CHUCKO”! With his casual response of “What’up doe?”
Chucko (as he was known by family and close friends) is survived by his mother Jean Preston Williams (Ron) of Pittsfield Township Michigan, His children Cenya Oyinda Asaju Perry, Cason D’Ale Perry, Charlee Jean Marie Perry, Caisley Zah’Zhina Perry of Houston, Texas. His sister Tharesa Zah’Zhina Perry (children: Addison-Brycen “Bryce” Perry & Thaddius-Walter “Thaddy Boi” Perry) of Miami Beach, Florida. Bonus Sisters: Amber C. Perry (Children: Isaiah Marquiese “Zay” Perry, Khylee Sky Perry, Tayton Charles Perry) of Texas. Rebecca N. Harris of Texas, LeDeanea Rose Williams of Michigan & Shanae Williams (Children: Shamari White, Caliyah White) of Michigan, Mrs. Betty Jean Perry Jackson (Paternal Grandmother) of Texas and a host of aunts, uncles, and cousins.
He was preceded in death by his father Charles K. Perry, Sr. (2009) of Texas and Maternal GrandparentsEsther Wilson Preston Parks and Walter Leroy Preston of Texas